The complete guide to publishing PGP keys in DNS


Publishing PGP keys is a pain. There are many disjoint keyservers, three or four networks of which, which do (or don't) share information with each other. Some are corporate, some are private. And it's a crapshoot as to whose key is going to be on which, or worse, which will have the latest copy of a person's key.

For a long time, GPG has had a way to publish keys in DNS, but it hasn't been well documented. This document hopes to change that.

After reading this, you should:

The target audience for this guide is a technical one. It's expected you understand what DNS is, and what an RFC and a resource record is.

There are three ways to publish a PGP key in DNS. Most modern versions of GPG can retrieve from all three, although it's not enabled by default. There are no compile-time options you need to enable it, and it's simple to turn on. Of the three key-publishing methods, there are two that you probably shouldn't use at the same time, and there are advantages and disadvantages to each, which I hope to outline below, both in general and for each method.

Advantages to DNS publishing of your keys

Disadvantages to DNS publishing

Turning on key-fetching via DNS

Inside your GPG "options" file, find the "auto-key-locate" line, and add "cert" and/or "pka" to the options.

auto-key-locate cert pka (as well as other methods, like keyserver URLs)

Don't be surprised if a lot of people don't use this method.

Note that you can also turn on two options during signature verification. They are specified in a "verify-options" clause in your config file, or on the command line, and they are (right from the GPG manpage):

    Enable PKA lookups to verify sender addresses. Note that
    PKA is based on DNS, and so enabling this option may dis-
    close  information  on when and what signatures are veri-
    fied or to whom data is encrypted. This is similar to the
    "web bug" described for the auto-key-retrieve feature.


    Raise  the  trust in a signature to full if the signature
    passes PKA validation. This option is only meaningful  if
    pka-lookups is set.

You can also use the same options on the command line (as you'll see in this document).

Types of PGP Key Records

DNS PKA Records

Relevant RFCs: None that I can find.
Other Docs: The GPG source and mailing lists.




  1. Figure out which key you want to export:

    %gpg --list-keys
    Warning: using insecure memory!
    pub   1024D/624BB249 2000-10-02  <-- I'm going to use this one.
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    uid                  Daniel Mahoney (Secondary Email) <>
    sub   2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02
    pub   1024R/309C17C5 1997-05-08
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
  2. Export the key to a file (I use, but it can be anything)

    %gpg --export --armor 624BB249 >
    Warning: using insecure memory!
  3. Get the fingerprint for your key:

    %gpg --list-keys --fingerprint 624BB249
    gpg: WARNING: using insecure memory!
    gpg: please see for more information
    pub   1024D/624BB249 2000-10-02
          Key fingerprint = C206 3054 5492 95F3 3490  37FF FBBE 5A30 624B B249 <-- That bit is your fingerprint.
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    uid                  Daniel Mahoney (Secondary Email) <>
    sub   2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02
  4. Copy the file somewhere, like your webspace. It need not live on the same server. It needs to be accessable by the url you create in the next step.

    %cp public_html/danm.pubkey.txt
  5. Make up your text record. The format is:  TXT         

    We'll take this in several parts. The record label is simply the email address with "._pka." replacing the "@". becomes Don't forget the trailing dot, if you're using the fully qualified name. I recommend sticking with fully-qualified, for simplicity.

    The body of the record is also simple. The v portion is just a version. There's only one version as far as I can tell, 'pka1'. The fpr is the fingerprint, with all whitespace stripped, and in uppercase. The uri is the location a key can be retrieved from. All the "names" are lowercase, separated by semicolons.

  6. Publish the above record in your DNS. Bump your serial number and reload your nameserver. If you're using DNSSEC, re-sign your zone.


Most of the tests we're going to do for these are essentially the same activity. See if our DNS server is handing out an answer, and then see if GPG can retrieve it.

  1. A simple dig:

    %dig +short TXT

    (The backslashes before the semicolons are normal). Other than that, it seems to make sense and match what I put in.)

  2. Test it with GPG. Rather than messing around with, and adding-from and deleting from live keyrings, you can do:

    %echo "foo" | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/gpg-$$ --encrypt --armor --auto-key-locate pka -r

    (where is the address of your primary key.)

    The /tmp/gpg-$$ creates a random file named after your PID. What you should see, and what I see, is something like this:

    gpg: WARNING: using insecure memory!
    gpg: please see for more information
    gpg: keyring `/tmp/gpg-39996' created
    gpg: requesting key 624BB249 from http server
    gpg: key 624BB249: public key "Daniel P. Mahoney <>" imported
    gpg: public key of ultimately trusted key CF45887D not found
    gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
    gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
    gpg: Total number processed: 1
    gpg:               imported: 1
    gpg: automatically retrieved `' via PKA
    gpg: DE20C529: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
    pub  2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02 Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    Primary key fingerprint: C206 3054 5492 95F3 3490  37FF FBBE 5A30 624B B249
         Subkey fingerprint: CE40 B786 81E2 5CB9 F7D3  1318 9488 EB58 DE20 C529
    It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
    in the user ID.  If you *really* know what you are doing,
    you may answer the next question with yes.
    Use this key anyway? (y/N) y
    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD)
    -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

    The "insecure memory" warning is a silly warning that the only way to turn off is to run GPG setuid root.

    You can see in the output that the key comes from PKA.

    The "it is NOT certain" warning has nothing to do with the fact that it came from DNS. You will get that warning every time you use that key (or any gpg key) until you have edited it and assigned ownertrust to it, or until the key is signed with a trusted signature, either from your personal web of trust, or from a signing service like the directory.

  3. Ask other people to run it for you and send you the resulting blob. You should be able to decrypt it with your private key.

PGP CERT Records

Also known as: The "big" CERT record.
Relevant RFCs: RFC 2538, RFC 4398, specifically sections 2.1 and 3.3



How to

  1. As before, the first step is to figure out which key we want.

    %gpg --list-keys
    Warning: using insecure memory!
    pub   1024D/624BB249 2000-10-02  <-- I'm going to use this one.
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    uid                  Daniel Mahoney (Secondary Email) <>
    sub   2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02
    pub   1024R/309C17C5 1997-05-08
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
  2. We export the key, but this time, it needs to be binary.

    %gpg --export 624BB249 >
    Warning: using insecure memory!
  3. We run make-dns-cert on it. make-dns-cert comes with no manual or docs, but running with -h gives you all the clue you need.

        -f      fingerprint
        -u      URL
        -k      key file
        -n      DNS name

    So then, make-dns-cert -n -k

    %make-dns-cert -n -k   TYPE37  \# 1298 0003 0000 00 9901A20439D8DAF1110400F770EC6AA006076334BEC6DB6FBB237DC194BC0AB8

    The program prints that all on one line.

    Immediately, we notice a few things.

  4. So the thing is ugly and you don't want to touch it. The easiest way to work with it is to drop all that into a file:

    %make-dns-cert -n -k > 624BB249.big.cert
  5. And then either read it into your editor, or tack it on like this:

    %cat 624BB249.big.cert >> your.zonefile

    Be sure to make a backup first. Either way, you never have to copy/paste the raw hex and worry about newlines being inserted where you don't want them.

  6. Before you reload your zone, you might want to use named-checkzone on it first:

    prime# named-checkzone
    zone loaded serial 2009102909
  7. Voice of experience: You may want to dial the TTL (which controls how long servers will cache your data) way down on the record above. It's not hard, just put a number before the TYPE37, with a space, i.e: 30 TYPE37

    This way if it all goes terribly wrong, or you need to make changes, it won't be cached for very long.

  8. If it looks okay, bump your serial number and reload.


  1. As above, you can dig, but you won't be able to easily read the results:

    prime# dig +short CERT
    ;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
    PGP 0 0 mQGiBDnY2vERBAD3cOxqoAYHYzS+xttvuyN9wZS8CrgwLIlT8Ewo/CCF I11PEO+gJyNPvWPRQsyt1SE60reaIsie2bQTg3DYIg0PmH+ZOlNkpKes 
    PULzdlw4Rx3dD/M3Lkrm977h4Y70ZKC+tbvoYKCCOIkUVevny1PVZ+mB 94rb0mMgawSTrct03QCg/w6aHNJFQV7O9ZQ1Fir85M3RS8cEAOo4/1AS 
    Vudz3qKZQEhU2Z9O2ydXqpEanHfGirjWYi5RelVsQ9IfBSPFaPAWzQ24 nvQ18NU7TgdDQhP4meZXiVXcLBR5Mee2kByf2KAnBUF9aah5s8wZbSrC 
    6u8xEZLuiauvWmCUIWe0Ylc1/L37XeDjrBI2pT+k183X119d6Fr1BACG fZVGsot5rxBUEFPPSrBqYXG/0hRYv9Eq8a4rJAHK2IUWYfivZgL4DtrJ 
    nHlha+H5EPQVYkIAN3nGjXoHmosY+J3Sk+GyR+dCBHEwCkoHMKph3igc zCEfxAWgqKeYd5mf+QQq2JKrkn2jceiIO7s3CrepeEFAjDSGuxhZjPJV 
    7UmGla5e1zyhuY667hP3F+UAoJIeDZJyRFkQAmb+u8KekRyLD1MLtDJE YW5pZWwgTWFob25leSAoU2Vjb25kYXJ5IEVtYWlsKSA8Z3VzaGlAZ3Vz 
    aGkub3JnPohgBBMRAgAgBQJF1J/XAhsjBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwEC HgECF4AACgkQ+75aMGJLskkVhACggsivQ9qLhfdA1rGm6f8LRJBSC4wA 
    oI930h+/hshClj6AkNwGRtHdf5XJuQINBDnY2vQQCAD2Qle3CH8IF3Ki utapQvMF6PlTETlPtvFuuUs4INoBp1ajFOmPQFXz0AfGy0OplK33TGSG 
    SfgMg71l6RfUodNQ+PVZX9x2Uk89PY3bzpnhV5JZzf24rnRPxfx2vIPF RzBhznzJZv8V+bv9kV7HAarTW56NoKVyOtQa8L9GAFgr5fSI/VhOSdvN 
    ILSd5JEHNmszbDgNRR0PfIizHHxbLY7288kjwEPwpVsYjY67VYy4XTjT NP18F1dDox0YbN4zISy1Kv884bEpQBgRjXyEpwpy1obEAxnIByl6ypUM 
    2Zafq9AKUJsCRtMIPWakXUGfnHy9iUsiGSa6q6Jew1XpMgs7AAICB/9e GjzF2gDh6U7I72x/6bSdlExx2LvIF92OZKc0S55IOS4Lgzs7Hbfm1aOL 
    4oJt7wBg94xkF4cerxz7y8R9J+k3GNl14KOjbYaMAh1rdxdAzikYMH1p 1hS78GMtwxky6jE5en87BGGMmnbC84JlxwN+MD7diu8D0Gkgjj/pxOp3 
    2D5jEe02wBPVjFTpFLJjpFniLUY6AohRDEdSuZwWPuoKVWhpeWkasNn5 qgwGyDREbXpyPsU02BkwE4JiGs+JMMdOn9KMh5dxiuwsMM9gHiQZS3mS 
    NBBKPWI5ZXsdStVFvapjf2FUFDXLUbTROPv1Xhqf0u7YYORFnWeVtvzK IxVaiEYEGBECAAYFAjnY2vQACgkQ+75aMGJLsklBWgCeN7z9xk52y/ao 

    It's still ugly, but it's not AS ugly because it's base64, which includes spaces, at least, and is easier to search for a pattern. Base64 can also be easily wrapped on any boundary, which is nice.

    You can run your existing exported key through a base64 converter, like the one built into the openssl binary, if you want to compare:

    %cat | openssl enc -base64

    Now, while you could compare things byte-by-byte here, what I've done as a "casual check" is just pick random strings in the text and see if they match up. For example, you can see that "reaIsie2" is present in both. They both start with and end with similar strings on every line. The real test, of course, is to see if GPG recognizes it as a valid key.

    By the way, since I use DNSSEC, dnssec-signzone rewrites this record into the proper "presentation format" for me, which is base64. If you want a similar function, you can use named-compilezone to get some of the same effects, or you can use the shell script I provide later in this document, with which you don't even need make-dns-cert.

  2. Testing with gpg

    As above, the command to test this is remarkably simple:

    %rm /tmp/gpg-*
    %echo "foo" | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/gpg-$$ --encrypt --armor --auto-key-locate cert -r
    gpg: keyring `/tmp/gpg-39996' created
    gpg: key 624BB249: public key "Daniel P. Mahoney <>" imported
    gpg: Total number processed: 1
    gpg:               imported: 1
    gpg: automatically retrieved `' via DNS CERT
    gpg: DE20C529: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
    pub  2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02 Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    Primary key fingerprint: C206 3054 5492 95F3 3490  37FF FBBE 5A30 624B B249
         Subkey fingerprint: CE40 B786 81E2 5CB9 F7D3  1318 9488 EB58 DE20 C529
    It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
    in the user ID.  If you *really* know what you are doing,
    you may answer the next question with yes.
    Use this key anyway? (y/N) y
    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD)
    -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

    Okay, as above, try to decrypt that with your private key.


Also known as: The "little" or "short" CERT record. (These terms are purely my own).
Relevant RFCs: RFC 2538, RFC 4398, specifically sections 2.1 and 3.3

IPGP certs are interesting. It's basically the same pieces of infomation that are in the PKA record, as above, except that it's supported by an RFC. Despite the RFC compliance, I am not sure if any non-gpg client knows to look for them. However, because it's a DNS cert, make-dns-cert encodes the information in binary, and your DNS server will see it in base64. So verifying it visually is harder than verifying either of the above.




  1. Note that some of these steps are redundant. If you're already doing a PKA key, skip to step 5.

  2. Dig:

    %gpg --list-keys
    Warning: using insecure memory!
    pub   1024D/624BB249 2000-10-02  <-- I'm going to use this one.
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    uid                  Daniel Mahoney (Secondary Email) <>
    sub   2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02
    pub   1024R/309C17C5 1997-05-08
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
  3. Export the key to a file (I use, but it can be anything)

    %gpg --export --armor 624BB249 >
    Warning: using insecure memory!
  4. Get the fingerprint for your key:

    %gpg --list-keys --fingerprint 624BB249
    gpg: WARNING: using insecure memory!
    gpg: please see for more information
    pub   1024D/624BB249 2000-10-02
          Key fingerprint = C206 3054 5492 95F3 3490  37FF FBBE 5A30 624B B249 <-- That bit is your fingerprint.
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    uid                  Daniel Mahoney (Secondary Email) <>
    sub   2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02
  5. As above, run make-dns-cert. This time we use the -n, -f, and -u options:

    %make-dns-cert -n -f C2063054549295F3349037FFFBBE5A30624BB249 -u   TYPE37  \# 64 0006 0000 00 14 C2063054549295F3349037FFFBBE5A30624BB249 
  6. Put the above in DNS. All on one line. Optionally add a TTL.

  7. IMPORTANT: make sure you don't have any other CERT records with the same label (i.e. a "big" cert, as above). While it won't break things, you have no control over which (of multiple) people will get.

  8. Reload your zone, and test. Testing will probably look VERY MUCH like the above, but here are the steps anyway:


  1. Dig:

    %dig +short CERT
    6 0 0 FMIGMFRUkpXzNJA3//u+WjBiS7JJaHR0cDovL3ByaW1lLmd1c2hpLm9y Zy9kYW5tLnB1YmtleS50eHQ=

    Sadly, I haven't come across an easy way to decipher it yet, but there's always gpg.

  2. GPG:

    Since we're fetching the same kind of record, the command is exactly the same as before:

    %echo "foo" | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/gpg-$$ --encrypt --armor --auto-key-locate cert -r
    gpg: WARNING: using insecure memory!
    gpg: please see for more information
    gpg: keyring `/tmp/gpg-39996' created
    gpg: requesting key 624BB249 from http server
    gpg: key 624BB249: public key "Daniel P. Mahoney <>" imported
    gpg: public key of ultimately trusted key CF45887D not found
    gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
    gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
    gpg: Total number processed: 1
    gpg:               imported: 1
    gpg: automatically retrieved `' via DNS CERT
    gpg: DE20C529: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
    pub  2048g/DE20C529 2000-10-02 Daniel P. Mahoney <>
    Primary key fingerprint: C206 3054 5492 95F3 3490  37FF FBBE 5A30 624B B249
         Subkey fingerprint: CE40 B786 81E2 5CB9 F7D3  1318 9488 EB58 DE20 C529
    It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
    in the user ID.  If you *really* know what you are doing,
    you may answer the next question with yes.
    Use this key anyway? (y/N) y
    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
    Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD)
    -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

    Strangely, the output doesn't say what PKA does (a PKA retrieval has a line about fetching via HTTP), however, by checking my webserver logs, I can see it retrieved it from there:

    %tail -200 /usr/local/apache/logs/ | grep pubkey | tail -1 - - [28/Oct/2009:23:50:43 -0400] "GET /danm.pubkey.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 4337 "-" "-"

    As usual, test decryption, etc. You're done.

Further Steps

A better way to generate records

In reading over a lot of these commands, I've come across a few problems with the tools involved. They either require you to assemble large records by hand, or manipulate huge files.

DNS has also come a long way since these tools were written, and RFCs have solidified that have determined the "presentation format" (i.e. the "master file format") of what CERT records should look like.

On top of everything, the make-dns-cert tool is not built by default, and is not present in most binary distributions (RPM's, deb packages, FreeBSD's ports).

Thus, I took it upon myself to rewrite make-dns-cert as a shell script.


You can see sample output here, and you can view the script itself here. Depending on your MIME settings, you can probably get a download link if you go here. If you see the script rather than getting a download prompt, you can just save-as.

README, Changelog, TODO coming soon.

Other notes

I'm not 100 percent sure (mainly because I haven't tried), but with IPGP cert, and PKA, I believe I could in theory point at a keyserver directly, for example, specify a uri of I'm a bit dubious about the question marks and equals-signs, or if I might have to uri-encode things. It's something to be tried.

I'm trying to convince the GPG people that this would be much better adopted if the make-dns-cert tool was built/included by default, or if its function were included in gpg rather than a third-party tool. This is analagous as to how dnssec-keygen is used to generate SSHFP DNS records.

It doesn't do any actual cryptography, just some binary conversion, so in theory it could be rewritten in pure-perl, so there's nothing to compile.

I've made the argument to the GPG developers that if multiple CERT records are available, all should be tried if one fails. So far, if multiple exist, only the first received is parsed, and of course, DNS round-robins the answers by default.

It took me quite a lot of trial and error to realize that there's a difference between "modern" RSA keys, like this:

    %gpg --list-keys --fingerprint
    pub   2048R/CF45887D 2009-10-29
          Key fingerprint = FCB0 485E 050D DDFA 83C6  76E3 E722 3C05 CF45 887D
    uid                  Gushi Test <>
    sub   2048R/C9761244 2009-10-29

and ancient RSA keys like this pgp2.6.2 monster:

    %gpg --list-keys --fingerprint
    pub   1024R/309C17C5 1997-05-08
           Key fingerprint = 04 4B 1A 2E C4 62 95 73  73 A4 EA D0 08 A4 45 76
    uid                  Daniel P. Mahoney <>

Note the lack of a subkey there. Note the weird fingerprint. I have not been able to get this key to properly export with gpg. If someone knows the Deep Magic, let me know.


Blog posts and list threads

While researching this I came across little more than a few blog posts, and a few short discussions on the gpg-devel mailing list.




About the author

Dan Mahoney is a Systems Admin in the Bay Area, California. In his spare time he enjoys thinking for those brief fleeting moments what he would do if he had more free time. Keyid 624BB249, or email address

About this Document

This document was written in gnu nano, and HTML was generated using Markdown.

Markdown rocks.

Originally published on my livejournal at, its main home is at, which is where later versions will be published.

Free to use, comments to the above email address are welcome.

$Id: HOWTO.txt,v 1.6 2010/05/19 20:14:49 danm Exp $

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